von Website Admin searchit | Dez. 18, 2020
Appliance Support & Maintenance [if required] If required, we will provide you with state-of-the-art support and maintenance matched to your needs, economically and technically.
von Michaela @searchit | März 19, 2020
Appliance Support & Maintenance [if required] If required, we will provide you with state-of-the-art support and maintenance matched to your needs, economically and technically.
von Michaela @searchit | März 19, 2020
Individual Software Development [if required] searchIT covers many fields of application thanks to its standard features. If necessary, we develop individual extensions for your search engine. So you won’t lack anything.
von Michaela @searchit | März 19, 2020
Automatic Search Engine Updating We make sure to timely install all available updates for your enterprise search engine. So that your appliance is always up-to-date and ready for using the full power of searchIT.
von Michaela @searchit | März 19, 2020
Using the Search Appliance When that is done, you can already use your enterprise search engine. It’s that fast, it’s that easy.