Social intranet with enterprise search

Our managed enterprise search software searchit makes your intranet social. They effectively practice knowledge management and knowledge sharing, are innovative and reduce costs. Quite simply.

Social intranet interaction

Our enterprise search solution makes your intranet really social and promotes interaction between employees. Perfectly prepared and personalized information at the point allows employees to constantly use your social intranet as the first point of contact. All by itself.

Productivity increase

Our enterprise search solution in combination with a social intranet noticeably increases your productivity. You can find, filter and process information at the point. The automatic display of prepared information (clustering, sentiment, GEO analyses, etc.) is a matter of course.

Better processes

Improve your processes and workflows with your social intranet enhanced with enterprise search capabilities. Information and constantly updated statuses from project management tools are automatically displayed and updated. Their processes interlock like in a well-oiled engine.

Effective knowledge management

Engage in effective knowledge management. Our enterprise search solution lets you bring all information together on the social intranet. No matter the source – network hard drives, e-mails, databases, websites, intranets, project management tools, and much more.

Better knowledge sharing

Your employees share information more easily with Enterprise Search on the social intranet. Because with our system, the right information is always available to the right people. User permissions are also included – because not everyone should be able to find and share everything. This makes knowledge sharing easier in your company.

Find skilled workers

Find specialists and experts in your organization – for your specific problem. Our enterprise search architecture covers content searches in personnel databases and displays the results on the social intranet.

More innovation

Increase your innovative strength. Our enterprise search system combines the best information preparation with a full-text search across all search sources on your social intranet. – And you will become the number one innovator in your industry.

Save working time and costs

Save time and costs – whether by avoiding long searches for information or by finding the right experts and project resources in the company. This is more efficiency, which is directly noticeable in the budget.

Less duplication of work

Avoid unnecessary duplication. Your advanced social intranet shows you existing project resources, avoiding costly and unnecessary extra work. Leverage existing knowledge, experts, and resources across departments.

Our solutions

Many search sources

Search your social intranet and find documents from all sources in the company. These include, for example, network hard drives, e-mails, databases, intranets, websites, online storage such as Dropbox, Google Drive, and many more.

Intelligent full-text search

Our Enterprise Search System gives you an intelligent full-text search that makes searching for content in files an experience. You benefit from functions such as synonym recognition, fuzzy search, speech recognition, topic extraction, and much more.

Innovative Filters & Usability

Innovative real-time search filters and the best, intuitive usability make your social intranet a center for knowledge management. You can easily and interactively restrict searches and see the results clearly and attractively displayed. Quite simply.

Document Clustering

Your documents are grouped fully automatically by our search engine. This ultimately allows you to keep track of your social intranet. You can also use clustering to automate your workflow. And your employees will be even more productive.

Content Analyses

Perform fully automated content analysis on files. Our algorithms allow you to recognize content and topics in documents fully automatically and show them to you in a summarized and meaningful way. This will give you a quick overview.

GDPR Compliance

Establish GDPR compliance with intelligent GDPR-optimized searches and reports on your social intranet. Our search engine brings you a solution that is worth seeing. In this way, you are always legally compliant without a lot of effort.

GEO Search in the Social Intranet

Search and find spatially. Especially large, geographically strongly distributed organizations can spatially narrow down searches or displayed content on the social intranet, such as news, organizational documents, and much more, in a fully automated manner. This way, employees at a location only see the things that are of interest.

OCR search on the social intranet

With our Enterprise Search OCR system, you can get more information on the social intranet. OCR recognizes written content in scans of documents (e.g. in contracts) and makes them searchable in a fully automated manner.


Our search solution for social intranets can be used universally. However, some industries need this to a particular extent.

Knowledge & Service Intensive Industries

Especially in knowledge- and service-intensive industries, our enterprise search-supported social intranet solution can noticeably improve customer service and significantly reduce working hours and costs.

Offices & Authorities

Offices and authorities have to find, share and process a lot of content in their everyday work. With our system for your social intranet, these tasks are child’s play.

Research institutions

Research institutions work very knowledge-intensively. A large amount of information must be found quickly in various documents. Our search engine is perfect for this. On the social intranet, information and documents can be automatically found, listed and shared according to topic.

Medical facilities

Medical facilities in particular need an optimized, constant flow of information. Be it patient data, files, health information, studies, prescriptions, and much more. In your social intranet, this is child’s play.


Lawyers must always have quick and clear access to basic information such as contracts, legal texts, information from authorities, and much more. We guarantee this.


In industry and its complex, relatively large organizations, information is worth its weight in gold. These can be efficiently shared in a social intranet system extended by our solution.

Contact us

We focus on holistic service & a high-end enterprise search engine. Please contact us.