searchIT 2020 – the long-awaited business update for the company’s internal search engine searchIT

With searchIT 2020, the innovative Austrian software manufacturer Iphos IT Solutions is launching a major release of the search engine software that is used internally by customers. A greatly expanded range of functions and new implementation variants characterize the artificial intelligence-based application. searchIT provides application possibilities that go far beyond a pure search engine, such as the possibility of setting up automatic archives, conducting media monitoring or making data available to third parties in the form of online services. This is how high technology from Austria works!

“Many companies are struggling with the increasing flood of data and information,” says Christoph Wendl, CEO of Iphos IT Solutions, the Viennese manufacturer of the searchIT search engine. “It is important to us to offer a solution that reliably enables fast searches across various heterogeneous data sources in companies and organizations. And this solution should not only be affordable for large corporations, but also make these advantages accessible to EPUs, small and medium-sized enterprises. With the new release searchIT 2020 and the searchIT mini appliance, which is optimized for SMEs for the first time, we have achieved this goal.”

searchIT indexes and processes internal company data from a wide variety of sources such as databases, file servers, mail servers or various cloud storage devices and makes them quickly findable by means of a full-text search. The high degree of automation and many additional features not only provide users with an efficient and secure search tool, but also the possibility of uncomplicated document management, knowledge management and the creation of comprehensive data archives.

Highlights of the new features

  • Automated speech recognition – searchIT 2020 automatically detects the language used in the document, labels it with easily recognizable symbols and makes it filterable.
  • Explorer view – With one click, it is possible to search in the Explorer view familiar from the operating system, a gain in usability that simplifies use.
  • Preview function – Using a new preview function, users can now also take a detailed look at the documents found within the application.
  • Meta & special searches as well as advanced query syntax – searchIT 2020 also searches meta information stored in files. Together with the use of the extended syntax, complex queries can be carried out for pinpoint finding.
  • Also new is an integrated BI solution that enables the creation of dynamic reports. Similar to pivot tables, complex dashboards can also be built that can also be tracked in real time.
  • New connectors – searchIT 2020 makes it possible to integrate numerous new search sources, such as the project management tool Jira or JDBC databases. One of the highlights is the connection to external online sources such as Google News, which offer an uncomplicated way to monitor the media, even for small businesses.

“Through our cooperation with museums and schools, we have also developed numerous features for searchIT 2020 for the construction and handling of comprehensive data archives,” says Wendl, explaining another highlight of the new search engine release. “In the scientific environment, extended and additional requirements are sometimes placed on a search engine. The automated verification of storage statuses and checksums is just one of them. searchIT 2020 is also more than up to this field of activity,” Wendl continues.

For the first time, affordable solutions also for small businesses

The current clientele of the search engine solution searchIT mainly includes large international and medium-sized companies. “However, it was important to us to also create a powerful but also affordable search engine for small and micro entrepreneurs. Especially in this segment, every cent often counts, expensive IT solutions with a long payback period could cause financial difficulties for a small business,” says Christoph Wendl. “With searchIT Mini, we are now the only software company in the search engine industry to have launched an extremely cost-effective appliance on the market. For 45 euros a month, searchIT Mini thus gives even the smallest entrepreneurs the advantages of automated processes and considerable time savings in searching for and categorizing internal company data,” says Wendl with satisfaction.


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