Site Search Plugin - The Perfect Onsite Search for Website & Intranet

With the Site Search Plugin from searchit, integrating a search function for your website or intranet platform is child’s play. Intuitive search and filter functions for your users, even across several websites (multisite search). With the searchit Site Search plugin, you have the perfect onsite website search for your Internet presence.

Your advantages with searchit


Savings in working time

Cost efficiency

Productivity increase

Knowledge Management

The most important advantages of the Site Search plugin at a glance

The Site Search plugin offers you the following functions:

Simple integration of a search field on the website using a Javascript snippet

Quickly search websites & display relevant results

Intuitive graphical filters for the search page

Individual presentation of results

Limitation of the searchable data areas

Multisite search function

Cross-website topic extraction

Responsive and accessible website search function

Application examples

Website search
Citizen service
Intranet search function
Multisite Search
Data as a service websites

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The best onsite search for your website

The best website search function for your onsite site search.

Simple integration of a website search field


With the site search plugin from searchit, integrating a search field into your external website is child’s play. The search function for websites is simply implemented using a Javascript snippet. By entering search terms in the search field, users can search your website or intranet quickly and easily.

Display relevant results at lightning speed


With searchit, users of your website or intranet site can find what they are looking for quickly and easily. Relevant results that can be narrowed down even further using intuitive filters. Our site search plugin offers usability at its best when it comes to searching a website.

Presentation of results


The display of the search results can be customized using various JavaScript parameters.
This allows the focus of the results visualization to be specifically adapted to the respective user group. Quite simply.

Intuitive graphical filters for the search page


The Site Search Plugin has numerous graphical filters, such as tag clouds, which enable users to refine the search results intuitively and easily according to their individual needs.

Limitation of the searchable data areas


searchit provides you with predefined range filters. This allows you to limit the search results displayed to selected data areas. Your website or intranet visitors will only find what they are supposed to find when searching your website.

Multisite Search


With searchit you can offer your users a cross-site search function. No matter how many websites are to be included in the search – searchit ‘s multisite search function lets you find and display cross-site results from a central point.

Cross-website topic extraction


Using AI algorithms, searchit can analyze the content of your website(s) and automatically cluster the search results by topic. This makes it quick and easy for your users to find content that might also be of interest to them.

Responsive and accessible website search function


Whether on a PC, tablet or smartphone – searchit ‘s website search function is responsive and can be optimally displayed on any type of device. The onsite search from searchit also stands out in terms of accessibility: the search function can also be used by users with visual impairments without any problems thanks to the screen reader.

Contact us

We focus on holistic service & a high-end enterprise search engine. Please contact us.