Media monitoring even for a small budget

Keeping an eye on the news relevant to your own company at any time, quickly and cost-effectively – with searchit, this is affordable even for EPUs. The connection to external online sources such as Google News makes media monitoring child’s play.

Your company in the media

By integrating Google News and other online sources, you can easily and cost-effectively keep an eye on mentions of your company with searchit . This allows you to react quickly to positive and negative media feedback and keep a firm grip on the rudder.

Industry news at the touch of a button

Always keep your finger on the pulse – no problem with media monitoring using searchit ! Filter the news by topics and developments that are important for your industry. So you won’t miss anything and you’ll always be one step ahead of the competition.

Keeping an eye on the competition

Always being well informed about the competition is important, but highly time-consuming. searchit takes the tedious part off your hands: By integrating online sources that are important to you and Google News, you are well informed about what your competition is up to. Always one step ahead with the media monitoring of searchit!

Affordable media monitoring - uncomplicated & fast

Search Google News & other online sources

Search Google News and other online sources relevant to your business for news about your organization or other topics that are important to you, such as industry news or news about your competitors.

Context-specific filters & highlights for a quick overview

Using context-specific filters, you can see at a glance where news was found on the topics you are looking for. Highlights of your search terms in the short text snippets also provide an overview of the potential relevance of the entry found.

Web Source Preview

To read the news in detail, you can either follow the link to the source of the article or quickly convince yourself of the relevance of the news via the preview created by searchit with highlighting of your search terms. Save time by determining for yourself in a flash what is actually important to you or not worth the click to the website.

Contact us

We focus on holistic service & a high-end enterprise search engine. Please contact us.