All information <br> immediately in view

Keep an eye on all the information. The diverse connectors and functions for search, analysis and automation allow you to use many internal (network disks, shares & clouds, accounting, time tracking, etc.) and external (websites, wikis, intranets, etc.) Include sources. Quite simply.

More efficient tax advice and controlling

More efficiency in information search and management: with searchit tax edition, you can effectively achieve more output with less work. Whether with individual searches, comprehensive automation (e.g. making scans searchable, categorizing incoming mail, etc.), and analytics. Save time and money from day one.

Unimagined applications for higher productivity

Use searchit tax edition in a variety of ways in the field of tax consulting and auditing and increase the productivity of your employees with its use. Examples are business process monitoring, controlling, employee monitoring, time recording, document management, and much more.

Wir haben searchit seit einigen Monaten in unserer Kanzlei im Einsatz und sind ausgesprochen zufrieden. Insbesondere die automatisierte Klassifizierung spart uns ein Menge Zeit. Post und gescannte Belege werden den entsprechenden Kundenakten zugeteilt und an die richtigen Mitarbeiter weitergeleitet. Gerade jetzt, wo viel aus dem Homeoffice gearbeitet wird, erspart uns dies viel Aufwand.

Martina Koller

Tax consultant






Fast full-text search


Working time-<br>savings



Knowledge Management

Simply work better

Use cases for search<b>it</b> tax edition

The wide range of possible applications for searching, analysing and automating is ideally suited for tax consultants and auditors.

Official Letters


Search official letters from companies, health insurance companies and other authorities. An OCR system converts incoming letters into searchable text in a fully automated manner.

Customer correspondence


Search current and past correspondence in real time via email or mail.



Browse all contracts (customers, companies, rentals, etc.) on the network hard drives. Very simple and with few entries.

Legislative texts


Keep up to date with relevant regulations and laws. Our system searches online sources and databases and gives you an overview of the latest developments in seconds.



Our enterprise search software searches and structures data from registers such as land registers, company registers, etc. and quickly shows you search results and cross-connections.



Quickly and easily search through various filing systems, such as invoices, personnel files, contracts, working time records, fee notes, and much more.



Incoming mail is automatically converted into searchable text and processed for you (e.g. categorized and assigned to the right department).



Browse a wide range of sources for expert opinion preparation and review, such as: file servers, databases, Amazon storage, e-mail, and much more.

Other Systems & Wikis


You have quick and easy access to your customers’ information systems, such as wikis and intranets. So you always have everything relevant in view.

search<b>it</b> tax edition for the tax consultants and auditors industry

The wide range of industry-specific functions of the company’s internal search engine & DMS for tax advisors and auditors are convincing.

Top DMS for Tax Advisors

The enterprise search solution searchitcombines the advantages of a fast internal search for tax consultants and auditors with the best functionalities of a DMS. Based on AI algorithms, automated assignment and grouping of documents is possible, which saves time in everyday law firm life.

Data protection made easy

Our firm’s internal search engine makes data protection easy for tax advisors and financial service providers. With the GDPR module , personal data can be found at the touch of a button and output in a legally compliant report as data protection information. You save time and have the certainty of getting a complete list of all instances in your sources.

More security through authorization system

Especially in the sensitive area of tax consulting and auditing, it is necessary to keep track of who is allowed to access which documents. An integrated authorization system is therefore a matter of course at searchit . In addition, a data visualization plugin enables the tracking of accesses and changes to the individual documents.

Quick search in all documents

Not only text documents, tables and databases, but also scans are indexed by the OCR functionality of searchit tax edition and made quickly findable via the lightning-fast full-text search. searchIT includes all connected sources of your tax consulting firm. A strict system of filing rules, which often makes it difficult to accept a document management system, is not necessary.

Automated organization of data

searchit tax edition automatically extracts meta information of your documents. The AI algorithms of our in-house search for tax advisors thus make automated categorization of your data possible. The DMS now creates virtual folders for author, year and month of creation, but also by language or file types (e-mails, Word files, Excel files, etc.). Categorization according to contained search terms and topics extracted from them is also possible. The AI algorithm tries to establish connections between the documents and declare them as topics. In this way, large amounts of information can be structured automatically.

Manage scans with OCR

In tax consulting and auditor offices, many documents are only available in scanned form: clients’ accounting documents, scanned receipts, contracts, etc. In these scans, the text is stored as an image, so it cannot be searched using conventional methods. Searchit’s text recognition (OCR) plugin recognizes the text in these PDF scans and images (through photographed documents) and not only makes it searchable via the fast full-text search, but also lets you highlight, copy and process the text

Contact us

We focus on holistic service & a high-end enterprise search engine. Please contact us.