New enterprise search solution specifically for the public sector

searchit gov edition: Using an internal search engine to combat data floods in municipalities and cities

The last year in particular has shown that digitization is also indispensable for all areas of public life. With an enterprise search software based on artificial intelligence, searchit gov edition has been created for this purpose, a solution that not only provides companies, but also authorities and municipalities with a valuable tool for more efficiency through process automation and with a high savings potential in working time and financial resources.

Working from home


Data security even for sensitive personal data

“The ongoing COVID situation poses major challenges for many companies, but also for organizations,” Christoph Wendl, CEO of the Viennese IT company Iphos IT Solutions and developer of the innovative enterprise search software searchit , knows from daily practice. “In addition to the daily work that has been done so far, municipalities and other government organizations are currently also struggling with the management of vaccination statistics, testing and other data.”

To help government organizations cope with the daily flood of data, including COVID data, the Austrian company searchit is presenting a digitization offensive. As part of the “Austria is searching” campaign, the functions of the enterprise search engine searchit gov edition are to be demonstrated with the help of 50 municipalities and cities and the software is to be optimally adapted to the requirements of the public sector.

In addition to the normal volume of data, municipalities are currently processing and storing health-related and, above all, confidential personal data on a daily basis due to COVID. It is therefore particularly important to pay attention to appropriate data security. searchit gov edition uses appropriate authorization systems that ensure that sensitive data does not fall into the wrong hands.

No home office for civil servants?

Despite, or perhaps because of, the pandemic, it is important to offer the best citizen service. A digital citizen service also helps public sector employees to spend more time working from home and thus limit non-essential contacts. Thanks to the optimized, cross-website search function of searchit gov edition, selected documents, information and statistics can also be made available to people outside the office. The integration of all available sources, such as file servers, mail servers, databases or websites, ensures that all required data is always available and thus enables flexible working in terms of location.

Personalized search for all employees

searchit gov edition makes it possible to provide all employees with a personalized search. This allows the search engine to learn continuously and finds the files it is looking for faster and faster. Instead of laboriously clicking through the hierarchies in Windows Explorer, employees can simply “google” for the documents, e-mails or database entries they are looking for. Numerous intuitive filter options such as file type, date, author, etc. allow users to find what they are looking for quickly and easily. Saved searches for routine tasks also save time.

Save time when opening documents

searchit gov edition not only shortens the search process itself, but also the time it takes to open the found documents is significantly shorter. Tests of the searchsoftware search it gov edition have shown that users can save up to 36% of the time required to display a document. “It pays off quickly,” says Wendl. “Especially when you consider how much time it takes to find the right document or version of the right document in the traditional Windows search alone.”

More time for more important things

However, the fast search is not the only advantage of using searchit gov edition. Through process automation, daily work can be automated quite easily. Incoming e-mails as well as letter mail can be classified using artificial intelligence and forwarded to the right department or the right contact person. The intelligent algorithms thus also support public administration in tasks such as application review.

“The employees in the municipalities are currently doing an incredible job. We think that they should have the best support in this,” Wendl concludes. “If searchit gov edition helps to offer the best citizen service with less time and money and to handle tasks such as research, document management and knowledge management, but also media monitoring more easily and quickly through the integration of online sources, YouTube and even various television stations, then we have achieved our goal.”

Calculate savings with <b>searchit</b>

*Based on experience and measurements, the average cost saving with searchit is 70%.


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More information about searchit gov edition:

The video of the speed test when opening documents:


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