Optimized DokuWiki search function: Fast and precise results thanks to Enterprise Search

With searchit you can quickly and easily find all relevant information in your DokuWiki.
Our AI-based enterprise search software searches your wiki efficiently and accurately.
This saves you time and optimizes your workflows.

Why search<b>it</b> is the optimal enterprise search solution for DokuWiki

Many DokuWiki users have problems with the standard search function, which often yields incomplete or irrelevant results.
These challenges often arise from:

  • Insufficient indexing: Pages are not indexed correctly or at all.
  • Lack of filter options: The standard search does not offer the possibility to filter the results according to certain criteria such as date or author.
  • Slow performance: For large amounts of data or complex wikis, searches can be extremely slow.

searchit solves all these problems with an advanced full-text search, intelligent filters and fast search performance.
So you can find all the information you need in a flash and with pinpoint accuracy.

DokuWiki search function with searchit – precise & fast

With our innovative search solution, you and your employees have all the information in your DokuWiki at hand with just a few clicks. Searchit’s smart search filters help you save time and improve the efficiency of your daily work processes.

Why are certain pages not displayed in the DokuWiki search results?

How can I speed up the DokuWiki search?

Why does the DokuWiki search not return any results when entering special characters or specific formats?

How can I limit the search to certain namespaces or categories in DokuWiki?

How can I search for a specific date or author in DokuWiki?

Can I adjust the relevance of the DokuWiki search results?

How do I deal with multilingual content in DokuWiki?

Is there a way to implement an advanced search function for DokuWiki?

Intelligent filter options for a pinpoint DokuWiki search function

How does searchit improve the accuracy of search results in DokuWiki?

How your company can benefit from the enterprise search software searchit

Application examples for smart search with searchit
searchit Enterprise Search Devices

Why are certain pages not displayed in the DokuWiki search results?

This could be due to indexing issues.
Also check that the pages are stored in the correct namespaces and that these namespaces are included in the search settings.
By using enterprise search software such as searchit , you ensure that all pages of your DokuWiki are indexed correctly.
searchit updates the search index at regular, individually definable intervals to ensure a precise and up-to-date search.

How can I speed up the DokuWiki search?

Search speed can be improved by various measures, such as optimizing server performance, using caching mechanisms, or regularly regenerating the search index.
The best way to achieve fast search and high performance is to use enterprise search software such as searchit.
searchit uses advanced algorithms and efficient caching mechanisms to process search queries at lightning speed and provide relevant results instantly.

Why does the DokuWiki search not return any results when entering special characters or specific formats?

DokuWiki has certain limitations when searching for special characters and special formats.
Verify that the search syntax is used correctly.
An effective way to overcome these limitations is to use enterprise search software such as searchit.
searchit extends the search function so that you can easily search for special characters and formats or tags.

How can I limit the search to certain namespaces or categories in DokuWiki?

DokuWiki allows you to limit the search to certain namespaces.
This can be done by configuring the search function or by using special search syntax options.
A particularly powerful solution for these is the enterprise search softwaresearch it, which allows you to efficiently narrow down the search to specific namespaces or categories.
searchit enables you to find relevant information quickly and in a targeted manner.

How can I search for a specific date or author in DokuWiki?

DokuWiki’s standard search function does not support complex search queries by date or author.
A powerful alternative is searchit, which provides advanced search options and a variety of intuitive filters.
With searchit, you can also search – and find – specifically in your DokuWiki according to specific criteria such as date or author.

Can I adjust the relevance of the DokuWiki search results?

It is not possible to adjust the relevance of the search results in DokuWiki.
With searchit , on the other hand, the relevance of the search results can be individually adjusted.
searchit offers numerous features to optimize search results, including the consideration of metadata and the prioritization of relevant keywords.
This way you can ensure that the most important information is displayed first – in your DokuWiki but also in other internal company search sources.

Can I adjust the relevance of the DokuWiki search results?

For multilingual content, it can be helpful to use separate namespaces for each language.
The enterprise search tool searchit supports the management and search of multilingual content by default – also in DokuWiki.
searchit automatically detects the language used in a document and lets you filter by the different languages.
With searchit, you can easily switch between different language versions and quickly find the content you want.

Is there a way to implement an advanced search function for DokuWiki?

Yes, searchit offers more powerful and flexible search options than the standard DokuWiki search.
With advanced search features like synonym recognition, faceted search, and contextual filters, you’ll always find the most relevant information.
More precise search results also in DokuWiki – searchit makes it possible.
Thanks to the flexible filter options, the relevant information from your DokuWiki is always just a click away.

Enterprise Search mit searchit bringt Sie weiter

Mit unserer smarten Suchlösung behalten Sie den Überblick über alle Inhalte an Ihrem digitalen Arbeitsplatz





Use intelligent filter options for a pinpoint DokuWiki full-text search

  • Custom filters to fine-tune the search
  • Automatic filtering of irrelevant results
  • Customizable search criteria for different needs
  • Save and reuse frequently used search filters

searchit’s filter options allow you to narrow down search results precisely and find relevant information quickly. By using search favorites and specific tags, you can customize your search queries in detail. The intuitive filter options not only improve the accuracy of search results, but also significantly improve the efficiency of your work processes. With searchit for your DokuWiki search to optimized productivity and project documentation!

How does searchit improve the accuracy of search results in DokuWiki?

searchit uses advanced full-text search and smart filters to ensure that search results are accurate and relevant.
By taking metadata into account, recognizing synonyms and prioritizing relevant keywords, you can find the right information for you quickly and efficiently.

So profitiert Ihr Unternehmen von der Enterprise Search Software searchit

  • Effizienzsteigerung: Reduziert die Zeit für die Informationssuche und erhöht die Produktivität
  • Präzision: Bietet hochentwickelte Filteroptionen zur Verfeinerung der Suchergebnisse
  • Aktualität: Gewährleistet durch fortschrittliche Indexierung immer aktuelle Suchergebnisse
  • Einfache Integration: Nahtlose Anbindung an bestehende DokuWiki-Umgebungen ohne große Anpassungen
  • Benutzerfreundlichkeit: Intuitive Benutzeroberfläche und anpassbare Suchoptionen
  • Sicherheit: Bietet umfassende Sicherheitsstandards für DSGVO-Compliance und Integration Ihres Berechtigungssystems

Search. Fnd. Save money - with search<b>it</b>.

Our intelligent enterprise search solution offers you a cross-source search in wikis as well as all other internal data sources.

search<b>it in</b> project management

For project teams that use DokuWiki to manage their projects, searchit offers a particularly helpful function: the ability to save search templates.
Save your individual search filters, e.g. by project name, time periods or authors, and regularly search for documents that were created or edited in a fixed period of time at the touch of a button.
Whether it’s new reports, bills, or updated photos, you’ll always have the relevant information in view.

search<b>it in</b> research

In research and development departments that use DokuWiki for technical documentation and studies, searchit ensures that researchers and engineers find precise information.
searchit allows you to search for technical specifications, scientific articles and development documents in a fraction of the time.

search<b>it in</b> knowledge management

searchit can help manage extensive knowledge bases in companies.
Thanks to its seamless integration with DokuWiki, searchit enables documents, FAQs and processes to be found quickly.
Your employees can find the information they need without having to search for a long time.

Convince yourself of the advantages of our enterprise search solution for DokuWiki!

Calculate savings with <b>searchit</b>




*Based on experience and measurements, the average cost saving with searchit is 70%.

Contact us

We focus on holistic service & a high-end enterprise search engine. Contact us.

    searchit offers the possibility to search data from DokuWiki.
    DokuWiki is a registered trademark of Andreas Gohr.
    Our enterprise search solution is not affiliated with DokuWiki and is neither supported nor sponsored by DokuWiki.