One search engine, many advantages

As a top manufacturer of enterprise search technologies, we stand for uncompromising technical quality when it comes to search engines and services. searchit stands for a search experience to be proud of.

Find better with better functions

A wealth of features guarantees an enterprise search engine that is impressive. Examples include intelligent full-text search, numerous search plug-ins, semantic search & fuzzy search, search filters, appealing & informative visualizations and much more.

Search almost all sources in the company

An excellent enterprise search engine has numerous connectors – so that as many data sources as possible can be searched. Our powerful search engine can also output information to various locations and send automatic notifications.

Top Search Engine Service & Support

For our search engine experts, service and support come first. So that you get the best support for your search engine.

One search tool, many features

Best functions for better finding. Quite simply.

A top search engine for companies

searchit was founded with the vision of delivering a state-of-the-art enterprise search engine.

One appliance

An appliance with hardware and software: simply set it up, set it up, index it and off you go!

Simple commissioning

Setting up the Search Appliance is kept simple and works quickly and easily.

End-to-end automation

The crawling and processing of the data is automated throughout.

State-of-the-art search functions

The Search Appliance offers state-of-the-art search functions such as synonym recognition, text completion, speech recognition and much more.

Search many sources

The many connectors supplied as standard allow you to search numerous data sources.

High security

The Search Appliance is designed for security.

Scalability & performance

The search engine can be easily interconnected with several other appliances and thus offers perfect scalability.

Mobile ready

The user interface of the search engine is mobile ready.

The top advantages of your search machine

Our Enterprise Search experts give their best – for a product & service experience that is unforgettable.

All-in-one appliance

Your Enterprise Search solution is delivered as a Managed All-in-One package. This means that we take care of the complete integration, customization and maintenance.

Consistent service

Our search engine technicians offer end-to-end service. Regardless of whether this involves setting up or, if necessary, maintaining the appliance.

Excellent support

Our technicians are committed to providing excellent support. You will receive your own account manager, an individual service number & access to a ticketing system.

Cost-efficient solution

searchit is consistently designed for cost efficiency.

Continuous further development

Our team of developers is constantly developing the search engine to offer new, previously unseen functions.

Contact us

We focus on holistic service & a high-end enterprise search engine. Please contact us.